Saturday, May 26, 2012

Draws On Things

I got asked a question about why I chose the title "Draws on Things". Well, I do draw on things, but it's mainly from the inspiration I draw FROM things. Things like fashion, food, music, etc., inspire and motivate me to keep heading toward my goals. After all, what's more inspiring than a pair of gorgeous shoes, or an amazing dish that looks more like art than food? Creative things keep creative people going. So in order to keep going, I draw on, and from things.

Stay tuned for more pictures. I promise to get my camera situation handled soon.
Stay Inspired

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Speaking of visual goodies, I was commissioned to make some of my delicious cupcakes for a friend's daughter's birthday. It wasn't the Hello Kitty theme I was expecting, but THUNDERCATS!! Do you remember that show? My friend had downloaded all of the episodes and now her daughter is hooked! Anywho, I didn't have a camera to take pics of the event and the cupcakes were gone before I managed to pull out of Blackberry to snap one. My friend managed to snap one last photo before she scarfed down the cartoon-inspired goodies. For my first time hand piping chocolate, it's not bad, huh?

Project 1501

So...I've been hard at work coming up with concepts and ideas and an overall plan for this thing, besides random posts of fashion things. In between that, I got to work on a logo project for a creative suite called Studio 1501. I liked how it came out!

I'm hoping to continue with this project and follow its progress, because the concept is really unique. But I can't divulge that information...yet. Sitting and letting my creative juices flow is such a big thing for me. I only wish that the best ideas wouldn't occur in the middle of my class! Anyway, stay tuned for further visual goodies and fashion stuff. As I draw on things, there are many things to expect soon. But I'll keep you guessing.

Stay Inspired

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cupcakes and cocktails

For all of the hard working young fashionites in the central New Jersey area... its going to be good times. I just finished a really quick flyer for a friends-only fashion and dessert event hosted in central NJ. It was a last minute put-together, but if this event continues, there will be better images and designs to come. But for now, I will rummage through my closet trying to find my best heels and the perfect dress for this Friday night function. I wonder who will be there.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Little Polka Dot Shirt

About a year ago this time, I found the most eye-catching, 80s looking striped and polka dotted shirt I've ever seen. When the tag had 99c written in sharpie on it, I flew the register with the rest of my purchases and the little polka dot shirt. Every time I walk into a store, I walk around aimlessly until a piece stands out and literally grabs my attention. This was exactly that kind of shirt. But it would be a whole year until I'd take it out of my closet to put on. I must say though, it was well worth the wait.

Nothing Like Haitian Cookin'

White rice, green beans, and beef in beef sauce.

Haitian food has got to be the most delicious food in the world! I'm not just saying that because I happen to be, but because it's a fact. If you haven't tried any, I suggest you find a Haitian friend...FAST!