Monday, December 26, 2011


Merry day after Christmas, everyone! I'm actually going to be on post vacay until the new year while I gather more inspiration and, you know, eat 24/7. After all, tis the season to eat without guilt. I have preparations to undergo for the semester (does anyone have any ideas on where to get an awesome leather messenger bag??) including hair stuff.

Some inspiration for my desired end result. Isn't Yaya gorgeous??

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Stiletto RED

I'm probably a bit late, but I've spent this past week (and today) pulling out my winter clothes and putting away all my summery tops and dresses. A quick examination to the accessory section of my room made me notice something; I LIVE in black! Black bags and black shoes were all over the place, with a bit of white, blue and tan handbags, sprinkled here and there. It made me wonder: did I gravitate towards black accessories (because black DOES go with everything), or did it just so happen that all of the pieces that fit my style were black? Whatever the reason, I resolved that in 2012, I was going to adopt a new staple color. A bright and vivid shade that I nickname "Stiletto Red". 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

More MORE Dior

The second I stepped foot into fashion, I've been in the library and at museums. Imagine my surprise at age 18 when I discovered there were whole museums dedicated to clothes! (Both exciting and traumatizing for a recovering tomboy) Anywho, ever since then, I still spend hours walking through mannequin-filled halls, flipping through book pages, and perusing through websites and just....well...looking. 

Looking for what? Well, nothing in particular really. Just absorbing. Let this Dior exhibit from the Pushken Museum in Moscow sink in. 

More Dior

So, I've been trying to get my hands on more images from the Dior book I've gushed about in a previous post. Alls I got is this. That is, until a make my wallet bite down on a rag while I pull out more money this holiday season.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

MUSE: Chanel Pre-Fall 2012

It's that time of year again... the time of year when every department store window is chock full of the shiniest and prettiest bags. At times I take a trip to the city just to look at the window displays to get inspiration on my next project for school. But today's inspiration is more like a fantasy list of Chanel proportions. I give you a few bags from the pre-fall show. Karl, why must you do this to me?

JEWELRY BOX: Inspiration Tokidoki

Inspired by my new phone, I sorted through my jewelry box (more like jewelry drawer) to find some pieces I could throw together for the same girly/grunge effect as Tokidoki. One cant always dress the part, which is where jewelry comes in for me. All handmade items were made by me, as I don't see the reason to pay insane prices for everything (except shoes. that's unavoidable).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SHOPPED: Tokidoki for Metro PCS

Isn't it cute?

Those that know me well, know that I change numbers and phones at least once a year. Why? I haven't figured out a good enough answer yet. But as with all things I shop for, I look for something that catches my eye and deeper, is as interesting as I am.

NEWS: Dior Couture

As a fashion girl, I would be wrong if I didn't share some good news with those who not only wear fashion, but are inspired by it daily. This is not for the label girl. Yesterday, December 6th, marked the release of the Doir Couture book. This book showcases the fashion house's most iconic looks, from Christian Dior's first collection, to John Galliano's work. (If you don't know who the latter is, maybe this book isn't for you.) 

Note: Pics are shot by Patrick Demarchelier, perhaps the greatest fashion photog in the world.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Velvet Loafers, Gentlewoman

A while back, maybe a month or two, I fell in love with a pair of velvet loafers. I had just run into the store on my break just to absorb some inspiration from the shoe section (and let's be honest, plot my next purchase) when this pair stood out from all of the other black shoes. 
I'm experimenting with displaying and styling objects... the reason for the pics. It's one of the things that I do besides Draw on Things. 


Welcome to Draws on Things. The name comes from a comment that most teachers had to say about me through all of my lower and upper school years. "She's exceptionally bright, but sometimes she sits there and draws on things." No canvas needed, just a surface. Here's a look into the things that inspire me or in any other way make me tick.